Synergie de plantes médicinales adaptée aux chevaux de sport soumis à des efforts intenses et soutenus, mais également adaptée aux chevaux souffrant de faiblesses cardiaques. Composition de plantes certifiées non dopantes
La spiruline est sans aucun doute , le plus complet des nutriments : elle contribue au bon fonctionnement et à la bonne santé du cheval.
Thyme is the plant of choice used for disorders of the respiratory system . It cleans , disinfects , stimulates and protects the bronchial fibers. Certified non doping plant
Plants formulation chosen around the nettle and Echinacea, centered around the fitness of the horse.
Composition of medicinal plants, carefully chosen for their restorative and remineralizing properties. Around the Siberian ginseng and spirulina, as well as various plants, for the articular well-being, to boost the immune system and drain all the liver and urinary functions.
Composition of herbs to oppose seasonal respiratory allergies, retention problems and bottlenecks in the horse.
Formulation of natural plants around thyme and eucalyptus and other plants known for their reinforcing action of the respiratory system. Available in October 2016.