Composition of medicinal plants and yeast, known for their high biotin.
Mixture of medicinal plants and yeast, essential for hair growth, shine of the coat of your horse.
Composition of medicinal plants with soothing, cleansing and detoxifying the body
Aloe Vera lotion for external use, is an ally of choice to preserve the skin of your horse.
The horse brewer's yeast of "Plant’ Equine", helps the development of the intestinal microflora. It is excellent for a shiny coat and a horsehair quality and it improves regrowth of horn hoofs. Certified non doping plant
Flax seeds to cook, to support the digestive system of the horse. They promote digestibility and intestinal transit. They are also useful to ripen abscess.
Une composition de plantes séchées soigneusement choisies pour leurs propriétés antiseptiques et stimulantes du système immunitaire du cheval. Synergie idéale pour les chevaux souffrant d'infections parasitaires des pieds.
Synergie de plantes médicinales spécialement conçue pour lutter contre les verrues chez le cheval. Permet d'atténuer leur évolution ainsi que la prolifération, de façon totalement naturelle et non agressive.